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The story of Amy Winehouse in her own words, featuring unseen archival footage and unheard tracks.

Director: Asif Kapadia
Stars: Amy Winehouse, Mitch Winehouse, Mark Ronson


The story of Amy Winehouse in her own words, featuring unseen archival footage and unheard tracks.

Motion Picture Rating (MPAA)
Rated R for language and drug material

Country: UK
Language: English
Release Date: 3 July 2015 (USA) See more »
Also Known As: Amy: Az Amy Winehouse-sztori See more »

Company Credits
Production Co: On The Corner Films, Universal Music See more »
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Technical Specs
Runtime: 128 min
Color: Color | Black and White

Did You Know?
Amy Winehouse's immediate family were initially willing to work with the film's producers and director, having heard about the success of their earlier documentary, Senna (2010). They granted the filmmakers access to hours of archive footage of Amy and her family, as well as giving the filmmakers' their blessing to interview Amy's family and friends. However, they - in particular, Amy's father, Mitch Winehouse - soon began to feel they were being misrepresented in the documentary, that the negative aspects of Amy's life were receiving much more attention than the positive, and that footage had been edited in order to produce an inaccurate narrative of Amy's story, especially the last three years of her life. Mitch Winehouse has said that Amy's fans should consider seeing the film for the rare, previously unseen, archive footage of his daughter, but should pay no attention to the film's general portrayal of her, which he has labeled "preposterous".


Kisah Amy Winehouse dalam kata-katanya sendiri, menampilkan rekaman arsip tak terlihat dan terdengar lagu.

Direktur: Asif Kapadia
Bintang: Amy Winehouse, Mitch Winehouse, Mark Ronson


Kisah Amy Winehouse dalam kata-katanya sendiri, menampilkan rekaman arsip tak terlihat dan terdengar lagu.

Motion Picture Penilaian (MPAA)
Nilai R untuk bahasa dan materi narkoba

Negara: Inggris
Bahasa: English
Tanggal rilis: 3 Juli 2015 (USA) Lihat »
Disebut Juga Sebagai: Amy: Az Amy Winehouse-sztori Lihat »

Kredit perusahaan
Produksi Co: On The Corner Film, Universal Music Lihat »
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Spesifikasi Teknis
Runtime: 128 min
Warna: Warna | Hitam dan Putih

Tahukah Kamu?
hal yg sepele
Keluarga dekat Amy Winehouse yang awalnya bersedia bekerja dengan produser film dan sutradara, setelah mendengar tentang keberhasilan film dokumenter mereka sebelumnya, Senna (2010). Mereka diberikan para pembuat film akses ke jam rekaman arsip Amy dan keluarganya, serta memberikan para pembuat film 'restu untuk mewawancarai keluarga Amy dan teman-teman. Namun, mereka - khususnya, ayah Amy, Mitch Winehouse - segera mulai merasa mereka sedang disalahpahami dalam film dokumenter, bahwa aspek negatif dari kehidupan Amy menerima lebih banyak perhatian daripada positif, dan rekaman yang telah diedit untuk menghasilkan narasi yang tidak akurat dari cerita Amy, terutama tiga tahun terakhir hidupnya. Mitch Winehouse mengatakan bahwa penggemar Amy harus mempertimbangkan melihat film untuk langka, yang sebelumnya tak terlihat, rekaman arsip putrinya, tetapi harus membayar tidak memperhatikan gambaran umum film nya, yang ia telah diberi label "tidak masuk akal".

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